Country Codes


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International telephone numbers have a country code, which is usually 00 or 011 for most countries. To dial another country, leave the first zero off. For mobile phones, the + key can be used before the country code. Whether the other person speaks English or Spanish, they will understand the country code and will be able to make the call. Once you know the country code, you can find a country code list online and start calling. You will know more about Reverse phone number lookup in this article.


Country codes are defined in ISO 3166-1, a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization. They are typically three-letter abbreviations that represent the name of a country. The English language, for example, has the abbreviation "GER". The German national language is also used in ISO codes, including the Austrian one. The resulting abbreviation is an ISO code for that country. It is important to note that country codes are not necessarily a direct translation of the actual name. This article will help you know more on WhoCalled


Country codes are prefix codes that represent the name of a country. The first digit of an ISO code is "GER" or "DEU". The second digit of the country code will differ depending on how the country is known, as it is based on the national language. This system works with many countries, so the IOC is the source for the codes used. In the United States, the IOC uses the English name of a country for its country code, so Austria has the IOC code AU, while the ISO code for Germany is "DEU".


The country codes used by FIFA are very similar, and some overlap. The IOC code for Germany is GER, while the ISO code for Austria is DEU. In August 2007, Kazakhstan changed its area codes to start with "DE", and the ITU uses its national language to create abbreviations. The AU identifies the United States. The RU (United States) and EU country codes are based on these same arrangements.


Country codes are used for many purposes. The ITU uses ISO country codes to identify countries, cities, and areas of interest. The United States' country code is ISO3 if a country uses the ISO3 code. Most other countries use the UNSD country code for their phone numbers. Some of these codes are used to designate a specific location. You can lookup the phone number of a specific nation by the city or state.


There are different types of country codes for different languages. The ISO 3166 country code table contains the ISO3 code for countries and dependent areas. This table can be viewed and used by users of all three databases. You can also find the ISO3 country code for a specific language. You can search for it on Google. However, you must know that the ISO3 codes are not in the ANSI format. If you're using the UNSD code, you should consult the website of the International Telecommunication Union.